We need more time for releasing batch 2 Nuansa P1

Dear All Customers for Nuansa P1 batch 2 production
We apologize that we must pending the release time (again)
We was fail to estimating total production time.
For P1 board actually was finish since 2 weeks ago, but we have trouble on enclosure.

We don’t have a problem with all Parts that sended from Mouser, Digikey and some Chinese based distributors, because that was sended to us at the end of May 2017.
But for enclosure we are manufacturing in China Factory, we are don’t know that China was have a long holiday for Dragon Boat festival.
So the enclosure production was delayed from factory, we was ask to factory for speed up the production.
Then the enclosure production was finish then sended to us, but now we will have long holiday too here in Indonesia, before Eid Mubarak our Custom will very busy.
And yes, our package was pending for Custom inspection. Almost everyday we are asking to Express service and Custom for our package.
But the response is not fast as we expect.

Delay for Enclosure shipment

Delay for Tools shipment

We are still try to solving this issue, we hope the package will released and arrived to our hand on this week.
For that we are also come to Soetta (place of Express shipping agent and Indonesian Custom) to speed up Custom process.
But still, even we are finish the production this week, Eid Mubarak holiday will start at 23th June, and all shopping agent will very busy.

So we think better to start ship the P1 after Eid Mubarak estimated at 3rd July 2017, but please let me know if you are have any suggestion.

By | 2017-06-19T08:22:23+00:00 June 19th, 2017|Events, Labs, Products|0 Comments

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